AUGUST 17, 2023 – LATEST NEWS: PSHCP Transition to Canada Life

Why is my PSHCP benefit card not working at the pharmacy?

If you’ve completed positive enrolment for the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP), but your claim is still not going through at the pharmacy, ask the pharmacist to confirm the following:

  • Did the pharmacist enter your new plan number and your existing certificate number? These numbers can be found on your new Canada Life PSHCP benefit card.
  • Your certificate number is the same as it was with Sun Life and can be found on an old explanation of benefits or on your old benefit card. However, your plan number changed based on your month of birth:
    • (52111) January, February, March
    • (52112) April, May, June
    • (52113) July, August, September
    • (52114) October, November, December
    • (52115) the plan number for eligible surviving dependants (spouse or eligible children)
  • Did the pharmacist select “Carrier 12” which is the unique number associated with the PSHCP? The carrier number is the same as it was with Sun Life.
  • Did the pharmacist enter the TELUS provider number associated with PSHCP Carrier 12, and not the provider number used with Canada Life’s other clients?

When your pharmacist submits claims for your eligible dependants (spouse, common-law partner or eligible children) your pharmacist will need to enter their name exactly as you did when you completed positive enrolment. If you want to verify the spelling used during positive enrolment, sign in to your PSHCP Member Services account through the PSHCP Member Services website or the positive enrolment confirmation package you received in the mail, to see your dependants.


Dear Montreal Branch members,

Many of you have contacted us for support in making the transition to Canada Life!  Federal Association shares its members’ experiences with Canada Life with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.  Click here to find out more.